Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Patrolling the Streets of London

By Monica Hernandez

LONDON -- Protecting the public is the common goal for police officers around the world. Tactics and protocol vary depending on where you are. Police officers in the United States are often seen carrying a firearm. Officers in England are not. Officers patrolling the streets carry a baton and pepper spray to aid in the apprehension of a suspect. In the case that the suspect is armed, “special unit officers” are called to control the situation.

Constable Eacott of the Metropolitan Police in London says that although he is not armed he feels he can apprehend the suspect without the use of a gun.

“We are trained to use batons on flesh areas like arms and thighs.”

He says that he sees no reason to carry a gun and “it’s a shame to think it’s normal to carry a gun.”

He says that officers are given refreshers by having officer safety twice a year. It allows officers to review their training and also keep up to code on protocol. Officers are also trained in using Tasers, however, only officers patrolling by car carry them.

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